Energy Saving Tips from Nortek Environmental, Inc.

Energy Saving Tips from Nortek Environmental, Inc.

Dear Justin,

All of us here at Nortek know how important it is to lower your home's energy consumption. Through lowering your home's energy usage, not only will you be helping out the planet by being environmentally friendly, you will also see your energy bill decrease. Here are a few helpful energy savings tips that you can apply to your home in order to be more energy efficient:

  • Use weatherstripping around windows and doors that lead to the outside. This will prevent the loss of cool air in the summer, and warm air in the winter.
  • Replace your furance filters on a monthly basis. The best filters to use are the blue fiberglass ones that you can purchase at any home improvement store.
  • Fix leaky faucets! One leaky faucet can lead to up to 212 gallons of wasted water per month!
  • Close the fireplace damper when your fireplace is not in use. Also try to refrain from using both your heating system and your fireplace at the same time.

If you would like even more energy saving tips, I highly encourage you to follow us on Twitter where we tweet daily tips to lower your home's energy consumption. Additionally, we by liking our page on Facebook, you'll be receiving even more tips and promotions.

Lisa Averill
President Nortek Environmental, Inc..