Hours and Location

To Visit or Contact our Office:

Nortek Environmental, Inc.

600 Industrial Drive, Unit 102
Naperville, IL 60563
Phone: (630) 548-1500
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:30 AM to 4 PM
24/7 Emergency Service Available
Thank you for visiting Nortek Environmental, Inc.. We hope you’ve found some useful information and learned about our company. Please check out our blog pages for useful information about energy efficiency, system maintenance, indoor air quality, and more. If we can be of help to you please feel free to contact Nortek Environmental, Inc. through one of our many available options. If you would like to explore our services further the first step is to have a conversation about your heating, cooling or indoor air quality problem. We’ll do our best to find a solution, including arranging a site inspection if necessary. Feel free to call us at our Naperville, IL location.