10 Easy Energy Saving Tips

10 Ways to Save Energy in DuPage and Will County

While Nortek Environmental, Inc. always tries to keep our customers as informed as possible on how to save energy in their home, we thought it would be a great idea to have a condensed list of 10 Easy Energy Saving Tips that anyone home owner can do to reduce their next utility bill.

  1. Turn Off The Lights – Yes, this is probably the first energy saving tip that most people think of, but the truth of the matter is that it is one of the easiest of our 10 easy energy saving tips. On top of that, turning off lights that aren’t in use can save you up to 2% off of your next utility bill!
  2. Install a Ceiling Fan – Ceiling fans are fantastic items to have in your home during those warm months when your air conditioner is running almost constantly. During the summer, your fan can cool an individual room that would allow your air conditioner to run less than usual. Additionally, ceiling fans are also helpful in the winter. Did you know if you change the spin cycle of your fan to clockwise that it can redirect the warm air back towards the ground, retaining the heat your furnace has created? In total, the proper use of your fan can save you up to 19% on your next utility bill!
  3. Keep that Fridge Stocked – Keep your refrigerator as filled as possible. Don’t want to spend money on food for your fridge? Keeping jugs of water in your fridge can actually help retain the cold air your refrigerator generates. Additionally, be sure to clean the coils in your fridge on a regular basis. This can save you up to 4% on your next utility bill.
  4. Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water and Let Them Air Dry – This one is as simple as it reads. Washing your clothes in cold water means less work for your hot water heater to keep the washing water warm. Also, letting your clothes air dry eliminates the use of your dryer, saving a lot of energy costs for you. This can save up to 9% of your energy costs.
  5. Upgrade Your Appliances – Did you know that appliances contribute to about 20% of a home’s energy usage? Because they are such a large energy consumer, it’s a great idea to upgrade them to more energy efficient models. Be sure to look into Energy Star models when considering what models to purchase for your home. This will save you at least 12% on your home’s utility bill.
  6. Insulate Your Hot Water – Insulating your water pipes in your home can reduce heat loss from hot water anywhere from 25-45 percent. Overall, this change will save you about 1-3% off of your next utility bill.
  7. Plug Air Leaks – Specifically, we’re talking about the air leaks located around your windows. While replacing your windows is a great way to fix these air leaks, it is also one of the least cost-effective methods. Instead of replacing your windows, we recommend using caulk or weather stripping around your windows to help plug these air leaks. This can save you up to 12% on your next utility bill.
  8. Install a Programmable Thermostat – We’ve published entire blog articles in the past that discuss the significance that a programmable thermostat can have with your home’s utility bills. In a nutshell, a programmable thermostat allows your to set a schedule for your thermostat to adjust the temperature at any time of the day. This will allow you to use your furnace and air conditioner less while you’re at work or are sleeping. This change can save you up to 10% on your utility bill.
  9. Let Your Dishes Air Dry – While we strongly encourage using your dishwasher over washing dishes by hand, as it saves more water, we advise you to not use your dishwasher to dry your dishes. Your dishes will still dry properly if you turn off your dish washer’s drying setting if you allow them to air dry. This can save you up to 3 percent on your utility bill.
  10. Unplug Items Not In Use – Be sure to unplug the items in your home that consume a lot of energy when they are not in use, specifically your TV and stereo. Even when these items are off, by having them plugged into the wall, it still draws energy out of the wall. This can save you 5% on your next utility bill.

We hope you enjoyed our 10 Easy Energy Saving Tips! If you have any more questions about what HVAC related energy saving tips you can take in your home, please never hesitate to contact our office with any HVAC related questions at (630) 548-1500.