Protect Your Family From the Flu

Protect Your Family From the Flu

I would just like to take a moment to personally thank you for subscribing to the Nortek Environmental, Inc. Email Newsletter. I know that with November beginning just this week, the holiday season is quickly coming upon us and our schedules are going to be getting busier and busier. With your hectic schedule, I truly appreciate you taking the time to read the Nortek Environmental, Inc. Newsletter. Please always keep in mind that you can call us any day of the week at any time of the day. A live person (not a machine) answers every single call that comes into Nortek Environmental, Inc. to assist each and every customer's needs.

Dear Justin,

With it now being November, we are all well aware that the winter season will begin next month. And with winter beginning comes one of the most dreaded times of the year: flu season. Everyone is making sure to take preventative measures by receiving their flu shots, washing their hands more frequently, staying hydrated, and covering their mouth when sneezing. However, people forget that there are changes you can make to your Indoor Air Quality that will help even more in the prevention of getting sick, such as the installation of an Aprilaire humidifier and a Sanuvox UV Light Disinfection System.

How does a Humidifier prevent illnesses?

The purpose of a humidifier is to prevent the air in your home from getting too dry. If your home's air has a very low humidity, you could experience a dry nose, cracked and itchy skin, and even a sore throat. Scientists have also proven that many viruses live in low-humidity air which increases the chance of you or anyone in your household catching a cold or the flu. Along with health related issues, low humidity levels in your home's air can also cause cosmetic damage to your home as well: chipping paint and plaster, cracked wood floors, and furniture damage. With the installation of an Aprilaire 700 Series Humidifier, you will ensure that you are maintaining a sufficient humidity level in your home. Also, the Aprilaire 700 Series Humidifiers are Whole-House Humidifiers, meaning that, when in use, it provides a sufficient humidity level to your entire home, as compared to portable humidifiers which only humidify one room at a time.

How does a Sanuvox UV Light Disinfection System work?

In every home, there is debris, dust, pollen, bacterias, viruses, and other airborne particles in the air. With your furnace operating, these particles travel through your duct work and circulate throughout your home. The Sanuvox R4000 uses UV Light Technology to kill these particles as they travel through the duct work in your home. The design of the Sanuvox R4000 is so that it is placed directly in your home's ductwork, at places where nearly all airborne particles and viruses will travel in your home at some point. With a Sanuvox R4000 in your home, you are ensuring that most of the flu and cold viruses circulating throughout your home are being killed, reducing the possibility of somebody in your home getting ill.

While we all take little steps to prevent ourselves from getting sick, there are larger steps that can be taken to not get sick. The Aprilaire 700 Series Humidifiers are a fantastic option to kill viruses that thrive in low-humidity air levels and keep everyone in your home feeling healthy. The Sanuvox R4000 is great in killing those airborne viruses, bacteria, dust and pollen particles that travel through your home's duct work. By choosing to install either of these in your home, you are taking one large step towards ensuring your family a "flu free" flu season.

Don't forget about the Nortek Environmental, Inc. Referral Rewards Program!

We'd also like to remind you about Nortek Environmental, Inc.'s Referral Rewards Program, an exclusive program offered to previous Nortek Environmental, Inc. customers. Here's how it works: if you know somebody who is looking to replace the furnace or air conditioner in their home, tell them to give us a call and make sure they mention your name when they call in. That's it! Should they choose to go with Nortek Environmental, Inc. with the installation of a new furnace or air conditioner, Nortek Environmental, Inc. will give you $100! IT'S THAT EASY!