The Honeywell Vision Pro 8000 Thermostat

The Honeywell Vision Pro 8000 Thermostat

I would just like to take a moment to personally thank you for subscribing to the Nortek Environmental, Inc. Email Newsletter. While investing in a Honeywell Vision Pro 8000 Thermostat is a great way to cut down on your home's energy costs, there are also several minor changes you can make to your home to cut down these costs even further. For starters, don't always leave your computer and laptop on. When you're finished, log off and shut down! Also, changing your furnace filters on a monthly basis will also lower your energy bills. And finally, while we haven't had extremely long periods of cold weather this winter, avoid leaving your car on for extended periods of time to warm up. Cars typically get warmer after you drive them a little bit Once again, thank you for choosing Nortek Environmental, Inc.. Should you have any more questions, feel free to call me at (630) 548-1500.

Dear Justin,

Furnace and Air Conditioners are vital in the extreme temperature months in ensuring your home's environment is kept at a comfortable temperature for both you and your family. While your Furnace and Air Conditioner regulate your home's temperature, your Thermostat is what controls the 2 systems. Now the problem with Thermostats is that, sometimes, we have a tendency to leave our Thermostats set at a certain temperature through out the day, even at times when nobody is home. However, the Honeywell Vision Pro 8000 Thermostat is a state of the art Thermostat which can help regulate the temperature of your home at various times of the day depending on your family's needs. This Thermostat features a touch-screen, a 7-Day Programming Option, as well as a Humidity Sensor, allowing your Furnace and Air Conditioner to run at a lower cost.

How Will the Vision Pro 8000 Save Me Money?

Because a Honeywell Vision Pro 8000 Thermostat is a Programmable Thermostat, meaning you can set what temperatures your Furnace or Air Conditioner run at during various times of the day. For example, lets say that you work every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. When you leave in the morning, you can set your thermostat to a lower temperature while you're gone in the winter months, or you can set it to a warmer temperature while you're gone during the summer months. But you still want to walk into a comfortable home, right? The Honeywell Vision Pro 8000 will allow you to set your furnace or air conditioner to turn on at a specified time. So maybe program your furnace to turn on at 3:30 p.m., so when you come home it will be nice and cozy. By not having your furnace working as much while you're not home and when nobody else is using it, you will be able to decrease your gas and electrical bills by a noticable amount. The Honeywell Vision Pro 8000 also has a 7 Day Programming option, allowing you to control your home's comfortability levels throughout the week with a few simple steps.

What Features Does the Vision Pro 8000 Offer?

Along with the features that are mentioned above, the Honeywell VisionPro 8000 thermostat has various notification features that will notify you when it needs new batteries or even when you need to change your furnace filters. Another unique feature it has is that it has a real time clock which adjusts automatically to Daylight Savings Time.

Don't forget about Nortek Environmental, Inc.'s Referral Rewards Program!

We'd also like to remind you about Nortek Environmental, Inc.'s Referral Rewards Program, an exclusive program offered to previous Nortek Environmental, Inc. customers. Here's how it works: if you know somebody who is looking to replace the furnace or air conditioner in their home, tell them to give us a call and make sure they mention your name when they call in. That's it! Should they choose to go with Nortek Environmental, Inc. with the installation of a new furnace or air conditioner, Nortek Environmental, Inc. will give you $100! It's that easy!!

Once again, all of us at Nortek Environmental, Inc. would like to thank you for your loyalty to our company.

Lisa Averill
President Nortek Environmental, Inc..